When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, it knocked the world of women off its axis. But long before that decision, I had diligently and thoughtfully studied women’s health issues, and in particular abortion policy.
When to start a family, whether to have an abortion, when to turn to IVF treatment aren’t just big issues, they are monumental, life-changing decisions that alter a woman’s soul for the rest of her life.
It keeps me up at night to see this issue cavalierly treated merely as a callous, campaign vote getting strategy.
In every speech I have given, in every interview, in my commercial I clearly state my position:
I believe abortion should be safe, legal, and most importantly rare.
I oppose a national abortion ban.
New Mexico has decided its policy. I will abide by it.
I trust and respect women. Every baby should be loved and wanted.
We must prevent unintended pregnancies because approximately 1 in 3 unintended pregnancies end in abortion.
Therefore, my focus has been preventing unintended pregnancies by educating women on effective choices of birth control and ensuring they are accessible and affordable.
U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich and some in the media have tried to persuade voters that they, not me, know my heart and know my abortion position better than me.
It is hypocritical for a man from a party that proclaims “believe women” to lie about my position and wrongly suggest I would ever be controlled by the Republican men in the Senate.
Martin Heinrich doesn’t know me. Ask anyone who does, if I will ever bend, or change a conviction I hold sacred. Never happened, never will.
I am independent.
Both my husband and I came from humble families where money was scarce. We learned the value of hard work and the value of a dollar. We have been successful and fortunate in our careers. We carefully and wisely make decisions about how to spend our money.
We invested in New Mexico children through Excellent Schools New Mexico because we thought it would make a difference and it delights us that 9,000 students a year in underserved areas in New Mexico are achieving a great education, and receiving the building blocks for a successful life.
Likewise, we are investing in my campaign because we know I will make a difference and help New Mexicans and New Mexico. We are the biggest contributor to my campaign because we believe things need to change. It is a privilege to be able to finance this important endeavor. It complements my steadfast independence because I will not be beholden to anyone.
I have already had a phenomenal career. I have managed and grown jobs in a wide range of sectors including health care, Al, food service, lodging, commercial real estate, and consumer products. I am fortunate that I do not need this job but want to dedicate myself to public service.
New Mexico has decided its abortion policy, and I will abide by that policy. I hope women will consider my position on abortion for what it is — my sincere, unwavering position against a national ban.
I am an independent, strong woman.
I do what I say, and say what I will do. You can take that to the bank — in business, at the ballot box and Capitol Hill.